The customer ask was to create something on top of the existing wall that would not only stand out and look good. But also deter kids and animals from running through it as it is a 5’ or so drop to the grade below. Of course, kids and dogs will do what they will, but our solution was creating a standout garden that is hard to miss!
On top of the retaining wall we have black cherry rock accented with Northern Lights Marble. To offset the rock we have a few types of grass using Standing Ovation Little Bluestem, and All Gold Japanese Forest Grass. Along the edge of the wall (behind ‘the river’) we planted a mix of Kodiak Orange and Kodiak Black Diervilla. These should grow about 4-5’ tall and wide which will also help deter kids and animals from getting too close to the edge.
Along the front of the house, we updated the edging, plants and mulch. We wanted a clean modern look by leaving space in between our plantings combined with plants that will stay compact (5′ tall or less). This keeps a clean look as the plants mature while allowing easy access for on-going maintenance.
Of course, we added lights!
Beautiful home and beautiful yard!